Venture Cup – Business and Competence Development

Venture Cup Denmark:
Business and Competence Development

Client: Venture Cup

Sectors: SME’s, startups, incubation

Services: Capacity building, Training, Workshop, Public speaking

Year: 2021

What role can we as a company take in the green transition?

This was one of the questions, that a number of business leaders wanted to understand, as they prepared for a global competition for small businesses, organised by Venture Cup. Participants considered responsible climate action a growing priority, and the competition, with its increased focus on sustainability, was no exception.

“cirka cph offered a digestible way for startups to understand their work in a systemic way. This is extremely valuable considering the complex nature of systems thinking.”

Suzana Barbosa, Project Manager at Venture Cup

Strategic directions must be climate-fit

With companies both “native green” and “going green” there was no single, one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why Venture Cup asked cirka cph to help the businesses find a meaningful direction for making their strategic development climate-fit.

It was a matter of discovering a direction that would create value and deliver results for each company, for every product and market, in a limited amount of time. So we developed the Impact Arenas framework tool, which makes it easy to spot potential for both quick wins and longer-term investments.

Arenas for Climate Leadership. There is not just one, but rather a range of arenas, in which companies can take leadership on climate action. The best, and most trusted, ones are those who tie together several arenas. Figure by cirka cph with inspiration from Amel et al, 2017.

Inside, outside – starting from the right place

For some, it was obvious to embed practical improvements in the core product, while for others it was clear that success required them to ensure that suppliers and customers were brought on board. Yet others found it intuitive to start with behaviors close at hand, that can be adopted at offices and facilities.

This gave companies an easy way to compare and share inspiration between themselves. Indeed, simple ideas in one team turned out to have significant prospects for other teams. In doing so, Venture Cup raised the bar for sustainability practices across companies in the program as a whole.

Want to know more?

Do you want to learn more about this case? Get in touch with Partner Emil Kragh on +45 6016 4290.

You can also explore more case stories. To find out more about Venture Cup, visit their website.

case stories: sustainable change in action

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Capacity for climate-fit business impact
Equipping founders with the capacity to develop climate-fit business models with positive impact in and beyond the company.

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Designing local solutions by leveraging lived experience and on-the-ground community engagement in northern Copenhagen.

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